Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dust in My Eyes

“I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”

 ~Charles Horton Cooley~

The Buddha said there are three types of people. The first is born with their eyes fully open, they are the rarest. Most are born with their eyes fully caked in mud. They will never awaken. But a few are born with merely dust in their eyes; needing only to find the tools and the teacher to help them remove this dust and to awaken. How do we find the tools and the teacher? The guru? When most of us have been buried in the debris of our parents and the chaos of others, ancestral demons handed down generation after generation, trained from birth by society to consume or be consumed. How do we let go? Let go of not only our past but our material possessions as well; the things that bind us to this earth and remove us from the reality of our true selves - our true natures! Who were you before you were born? Where did you come from? Who would you be if owned nothing? Had nothing? Hoarded nothing? When you know this, and you do not question the reality of your divinity - then, and only then, the dust begins to move. And who will you be after you die? And where do you go? The cosmic universe is merely an ocean and we are merely waves. Neither lasting forever nor never existing. Divinity. Impermanence.


Are you talking to me?

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