Saturday, May 22, 2021

Gender Studies

“If you aren’t allowed to feel what you feel and know what you know then your mind gets stuck in that situation.” 
~Bessel van der Kolk~

Siblings - A Poem

My brother was bought a dirtbike...and told to get outside.

I was bought barbie dolls...and told to play in my room.

My brother joined the Boy Scouts...and learned how to backpack.

I joined the Girl Scouts...and learned how to sell cookies.

My brother ran track and was told...“get good grades and you’ll get a scholarship”

I ran track and was told...“don’t be so competitive or you won’t get a boyfriend”

My brother started dating and my parents bought him condoms and said:

“be careful don’t get tied down” 

I started dating and my parents said:

“keep your legs together, who’ll buy the cow when they get the milk for free”

My brother went to college and was told...

“get a degree and start a career, marriage can wait” 

I went to college and was told...

“it’s a great place to meet A Husband”

My brother went out into the world and excelled! 

I went out into the world and fell flat on my face! 

Why, they ask, you were given the same opportunities?

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