Friday, December 31, 2021

Becoming 2022


“Are you willing to be sponged out,

Erased - cancelled,

Made nothing?

Are you willing to be made nothing?

Dipped into oblivion?

If not, you will never really change!”

~D.H. Lawrence~

Word Of The Year: CONTENT

“Fun becomes Fun

Love becomes Love

Life becomes worth Living

And, I become Grateful”

Become Content

Good people do not argue, with life or with others, learn to say: You are right! And I appreciate you sharing your point of view with me.


Live Purely.

Be Quiet.

Do Your Work With Mastery.

Wanting Nothing, She travels alone.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021



“Your tiredness has dignity to it. There is no shame in admitting you cannot go on. You have been on a long journey from the stars. Even the courageous need to rest.” ~Foster~

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” ~Eliot~

“We tend to blame others for why we’re feeling angry, but it’s important that we take a certain amount of responsibility.”

Follow the tracks of anger

Deep within the mazes of mind

When the end is near, it is you

I will see. Holding the cheese.

Cold Hard Winter

“Surrendering is a mental process: it involves taking a split second to stop yourself in your mode of judgment or frustration and have a brief talk with yourself on the spot. Just remind yourself to step back and be a witness rather than a protagonist, which you can do by providing a sanctuary for the feeling you’re judging. Invite Divine natural order in by simply allowing what you’re experiencing to go forward without criticism or control; in this way, you move to the center.”

I allow. Not because I have the control to allow, but because I have no control so I must allow. If you loved me you would try. If you needed me you would try. If I was important, you would make the effort. You would do some thing. You would do anything. You would stop the separation. We would know one another. You would apologize. And you would own your part. And you would make amends to me by changing your behavior in the future and treating me with respect. What is it that we see in this world? Why is the natural order so unnerving.  Pandemic. Loss. Grief. All encapsulated within the seed of new beginnings. A new day. A new year. A new chance. At a new life. 

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.”

I will learn to live without you. Just as I once learned to live with you. Learning to live is the hardest lesson we will ever face.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Together Again

 “Just sit there right now 

Don’t do a thing

Just rest.

For your separation from God,

From love,

Is the hardest work

In this 



Friday, December 10, 2021

Dark Chocolate and Yellow Flowers

I rise,

With the morning light,

Internal clock set.

I’ve trained, My mind

First thought,


I move,

Slowly. In silence.

Boil water, steep tea.

Ritual infuses my day,

With ceremony.

Sip. Breathe…

Inhale for Seven seconds,

Hold for Four seconds,

Exhale for Nine seconds,

Hold for Four seconds,


I ask myself,

“Tanya, my dear friend,

What is it that you desire today?”

I pause.



I hear myself,

“Tanya, my dear friend,

I love dark chocolate and yellow flowers.”

I sigh.


I smile.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Flow Like Water

“Speak the Truth

Give Whatever You Can

Never Be Angry”

~The Buddha~







“How can a woman’s life keep its course

If she will not let it flow?

Those who flow as life flows know

They need no other force:

They feel no wear, they feel no tear,

They need no mending, no repair.”


Flow, and Go Merrily Down the Stream

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

One Life


One Life, One Chance. When will it end? If today were the last day of your life, what would you do? How would your spend each hour? Where would you be? And who would you be with? Who would you call? Who would you say I Love You to? And who would you say I’m Sorry to? What memories would you cherish most, and what would you regret never having accomplished? One Life, One Moment, One Day, One Chance. 

From the moment that we are born, we only get one guarantee in life; and that is that we will die. You will die and I will die. In 100 years almost every single living creature on this earth will no longer be. Billions upon Billions of living organisms gone. Most forgotten.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thankful for Grizzly Bears


“Change your life by consciously choosing to be in a state of gratitude. The journey of your life will change when you emphasize gratitude for all that you are, all that you accomplish, and all that you receive. Practice silently repeating I THANK  YOU throughout your waking hours, and as you fall asleep and awaken. It really does not matter whether you are thanking God, Spirit, Allah, the Tao, Krishna, Buddha, the Source, or Self, because all of those names represent the great wisdom traditions. Give thanks for the sunshine, the rain, and your body, including all of its components. Have a brain, heart, liver, and even a toenail appreciation day! Your practice of gratitude helps you focus on the real source of everything as well as notice when you are letting your ego dominate. Make this a silent daily practice: give thanks for the bed, the sheets, the pillows, and the room you sleep in at night; and in the morning, say I THANK YOU for what lies ahead. Then begin the beautiful day by doing something kind for another human being someplace on the planet.” ~Dyer~

“AHO Brother Turkey!

So freely you give,

Of everything that you are.

So that others may truly 


Today, tonight, every moment, of every day. I think of you My Beloved Lord Shiva. How you guide me with your gentle hand; leading me through this land. I was not taught how to devote my life to you. I was not raised to know your ways. But through your gentle guidance I have grown in your love and in your light. You are my source. You move me. As I close my eyes to speak to you my mind floats through your cosmic energy. I am transported across the globe to the other side of this magnificent planet to the spot where you are seated deep within the Himalayan Mountains, perched in the Ganges River. I see you. I see myself in your mind flying through the night sky. I see you in every creature I encounter and I weep at your beauty and strength. My connection with you is whole. You are my home.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021



“The world’s a puzzle, no need to make sense out of it.”

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Meditation on Impermanence

“We can’t force habits to change, wounds to heal, or the mind to be quiet. All we can do is set the stage and wait.”

Saturday, October 30, 2021


“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.

Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.”

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Li Po


“The Birds Have Vanished Into The Sky And

The Last Cloud Drains Away.

We Sit Together, The Mountain And I,

Until Only The Mountain Remains.”

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Wise Buddha Said

“The wise person tells you where you have fallen and where are you yet may fall these are invaluable secrets! Follow them, follow the way. Let them chasten and teach you and keep you from mischief. The world may hate them, but good people love them. Do not look for bad company or live with people who do not care. Find friends who love the truth! Drink deeply. Live in serenity and joy. The wise person delights in the truth and follows the law of the awakened. The farmer channels water to her land. The fletcher whittles her arrows. The carpenter turns her wood. So the wise person directs their mind. The wind cannot shake a mountain. Neither praise nor blame moves the wise person. She is clarity. Hearing the truth, she is like a lake, pure and tranquil and deep. Want nothing! Where there is desire, say nothing. Happiness or sorrow whatever befalls you, walk on untouched, unattached. Do not ask for family or power or wealth, either for yourself or for another. Can a wise person wish to rise unjustly? Few cross over the river. Most are stranded on the side. On the riverbank they run up and down. But the wise person, following the way, crosses over, beyond the reach of death. They leave the dark way for the way of light, they leave their home, seeking happiness on the hard road. Free from desire, free from possessions, free from the dark places of the heart. Free from attachment and appetite, following the seven lights of awakening, and rejoicing greatly in this freedom, in this world the wise person becomes themselves a light, pure shining and free.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

She Touched The World

Over half of female homicide victims in the U.S. are killed by a male intimate partner. On average more than 1 in 3 women in the US will experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner. 1 in 10 high school students has experienced physical violence from a partner in the last year. An average of 24 women per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States. 72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner; 94% of the victims of these murder suicides are female.

I went to Spread Creek to express my grief and say a prayer for Gabby. I also prayed for so many other women in our country. This was a hate crime. I believe that Domestic Violence is a hate crime against women.

When I was 17 years old I had a boyfriend who regularly hit me. I was frightened of him. He was 6'0 and 220 pounds. He could knock me down with one push. And regularly did. He was jealous, angry, controlling, and manipulative. And he convinced me that everything that happened was my fault.

We were driving home from Redmond Oregon to Bend Oregon. I was driving his truck and he was in the passenger seat. He was angry at me and jealous because we had run into a friend of mine, a guy. The interaction with my old friend lasted less than 30 seconds. But the 20 minute car ride to his house was excruciating. At one point he hit me and I pulled over. We both jumped out of the truck. I no longer wanted to drive. As we crossed paths behind the vehicle he slapped at me and I slapped back. A car horn honked.

We were back at his house for about an hour, and he had hit me several more times, when the police showed up. Two male officers. My boyfriend stood in front of me in the doorway and I peered out from behind him at the officers, my face was red and swollen from being slapped and crying. This was in 1994 and I cannot remember what he said to the officers. What I do remember is one of the officers angling around my boyfriend to get a better look at me. He leaned forward and put his finger in my face...

"You had better stop causing trouble before you get your boyfriend in trouble."

And they left. Within an hour my boyfriend had gotten his mother's gun out of her nightstand. First he pointed it at my head. And I begged him not to hurt me and cried. Then he put the gun to his own head and I begged him not to hurt himself. I told him that it wasn't his fault. He put the gun away.

Our relationship lasted for only four months. 27 years later and my body is shaking just typing this. The effects were long-term. I had therapy many times in my 20's and was diagnosed with PTSD. I am much better today. But those four months left scars that will never fully heal.

How different would my life have turned out if those officers would have at MINIMUM contacted my parents and told them what was happening? Or if his mother, who was fully aware of the situation, had done something, anything?

I didn't end my relationship with him because he beat me, I ended it because he cheated on me. He married the woman that he cheated on me with and had children. I tried to warn her friends, who were mutual friends, but was told the he would never do such a thing and that I was just jealous. Those same friends later told me that she divorced him after five years because he was beating her and the children. I also later found out that he had choked his girlfriend before me and was caught by her dad. Her dad made them breakup but never reported it.

I fully understand the #MeToo movement. Because I have so many female friends with similar stories. Stories of abuse, sexual assault, incest, rape, domestic violence... stories that should be told, heard, and believed. As a society we need to stop enabling abusers and blaming victims. And we need to train our first responders to not only recognize the signs of domestic violence but to actually do something about it.  

I volunteered for years as crisis counselor and victims advocate at a domestic violence shelter. I received my bachelor of science in women's and gender studies. I watched the police body cam video of Laundrie. The second he apologized for letting it "get so public" I knew. Watching her tears and apologies I knew. Which leads me to believe that those officers knew too. How could they not? They have so much more experience than I have and so much more training. I believe that they chose to ignore it. And I believe that this happens every day all across our country. 

When will it stop? When will we stop allowing this to happen to ourselves, to our friends, to our sisters, to our mothers, to our daughters, or to any woman? When.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Passing Illness

        “Whatever condition we are in, we must always do what we want to do, and if we want to go on a journey, then we must do so and not worry about our condition, even if it's the worst possible condition, because, if it is, we're finished anyway, whether we go on the journey or not, and it's better to die having made the journey we've been longing for than to be stifled by our fear.”  


“Sometimes I think illness sits inside every woman, waiting for the right moment to bloom. I have known so many sick women all my life. Women with chronic pain, with ever-gestating diseases. Women with conditions. Men, sure, they have bone snaps, they have backaches, they have a surgery or two, yank out a tonsil, insert a shiny plastic hip. Women get consumed.“


Breathe deeply. Sniffle. 

Cough. Tickle. Smolder.

Sleep and Rest.

Dreamscapes surreal.

Prayer to The Beloved,

Peace, Health, Happiness and Prosperity.


Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Interior Wilderness

“The fragility of crystal is not a weakness but a fineness. My parents understood that fine crystal glass had to be cared for or may be shattered. But when it came to me, they didn’t seem to know or care that their course of action brought the kind of devastation that could cut them.”

I’ve given away 95% of my possessions.

I’m left with only what I need for survival, and joy.

In less than two weeks I will load my van.

I will leave the Deep South.

And I will leave behind my past.

I will traverse the continent.

I will journey to 6,250 feet of elevation.

I will stop and create a new home.

An interior wilderness to match the external wildness.

I will live with the grizzlies, wolves, bison, and moose.

I will breathe fresh clean crisp mountain air.

And drink from the bubbling pristine streams.

I will heal my body and my soul.

"I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's placed it all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things."

Monday, July 05, 2021

The Dress

Daughter: We’ve finally picked a date for the wedding, I’m so excited!

Mother: Don’t expect your dad and I to pay for it.

Daughter: I wasn’t…

Mother: Don’t sound so sad, we’ll get your dress.

Daughter: No, it’s ok. I wasn’t expecting anything, I was just excited and wanted to let you know the date.

Mother: Are you saying we can’t buy your dress? This is supposed to be a happy time for all of us and now you’re not going to let us help!

Daughter: No, I’m sorry. Of course you can help.

Mother: I’ll start looking at dresses and send you some ideas.

Daughter: I actually found the one that I want. It’s sleeveless with a princess cut.

Mother: You know you’re not a princess.

Daughter: I know… it’s just the style of dress… it’s so pretty… it’s just what I imagined.

Mother: Well, I hope it’s not white, you’re not fooling anyone.

Daughter: ...

Thursday, July 01, 2021


Day By Day

Piece By Piece 

Bit by Bit

I Let Go Of My Past.

“The yogi reduces her physical needs to a minimum, believing that if she gathers things she does not really need then she is a thief.”

“It requires tremendous patience to calm the restless mind which is colored by innumerable past experiences and samskara (the accumulated residue of past thoughts and actions).”

“The path of Yoga is like the sharp edge of a razor, narrow and difficult to tread, and there are a few who find it. The Yogi knows that the path of ruin or of salvation lies within herself.“

“The supreme adventure in a woman’s life is her journey back to her creator!” ~Iyengar~

Monday, June 14, 2021

Mountain Lion - Puma - Cougar. Draft

    Dawn is approaching  and I have awoken. My body does this naturally. It is almost as if I can feel the sun pulling me. I slip out of bed, careful to not disturb the sleeping god next to me. My angel. I looked through heaven and hell and finally found him. He needed me as much as I need him. We gave each other a solid foundation to stand upon and grow from. Usually he would be rising with me as we have come to savor our early morning runs together. But not today. He worked late last night and deserves the extra hours of rest and recuperation.

    I close the door and turn the fan on as I will be less likely to disturb him that way. He is equally thoughtful of me when I need the rest. I stumble down the stairs a bit. Still not quite fully awake. The sun has not crested the horizon. But my body knows that it is coming. In the kitchen I find a glass of cold brew left in the fridge with a little bit of coconut milk mixed in. It was left here so that I can drink it quickly to power this hour of my life. Running shorts on and my shoes are tied. I put in my headphones, nothing heavy in these early hours, just light and happy Krishna tunes.

    We live less than one mile from a National Park. I call it: My Park. My personal slice of heaven on earth. The warm dry desert air greets me. Even when it is dark outside it is still 85 degrees. I have just a sports bra on so that I can feel the wind on my skin; my wind that I create, while I Run. I run the earth. I run the morning. I run with the rising of the sun. I’m in My Park. I’m moving easily. I know where every rock and bump lie in the trail. The music guides me. I have just enough light from the approaching sun that I do not need a headlamp.

    I round the bend, coming upon the springs, the water source of the desert. Water is so precious; water is life. I am less than two miles from my home and my sleeping husband in our bed. Then I see, Him. He is less than fifteen feet from me on the trail ahead. Stealth. Beautiful. Muscular. Sleek. Long tail moving with his muscles. I try to hit the brakes but my own forward motion makes me continue to glide towards him while my arms swing wildly behind me, feet trying to run in reverse, like an animated creature in a child's cartoon. No sound escapes me. I have stopped breathing and my hand knows to pull the bud out of my ear. This is a goddamned mountain lion and I am running towards him as he walks down to the water for a morning drink. I am most likely going to die.

    These are the thoughts that are racing through my mind, but they are not actual words, they are feelings.  Feelings that I feel as strongly as I feel my own heartbeat; which is now the only sound in the world and it is pulsating in my ears: Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom. He is staring at me and I am, thank god, finally stopped. Our eyes are locked. Should I avert my gaze, will he think that I am threatening him? I at least know not to run as that will provoke his chase instinct.  He is not that big but he is also not that small, probably a juvenile, which makes him even more dangerous as he is still learning how to live in this modern world. He is definitely a male, as those are hanging low. 

    He really does seem like he is strolling, unperturbed by my presence. As fascinated by me as I am by him. He just keeps walking, he never even stops or pauses, but he does keep our gaze locked as he looks back over his shoulder at me. Our eyes, our souls, stay merged until he leaves the trail and reenters the desert brush, hidden now by a field of cholla, prickly pear, and massive saguaros.  Now that I can no longer see him I wonder what should I do?  I just stand there. I am too afraid to turn around, to turn my back on him.  I am also too afraid to go forward, thinking that he is going to swing around to stalk me. I will not run a single step, that is for sure. That is the last thing I would ever do. I wait. I look at my watch. I will wait a few more minutes. 

    I go forward. I do not decide I simply start moving. I turn around repeatedly watching my back. I am not running, but I am walking at a good clip. I hurry. Fifteen minutes of fast-walk-hiking that feel like fifteen hours. I finally leave the trail and find pavement. Again, I do not decide, I just start running. Hard!

    I run home as fast as I possibly can. I have never ran this fast in my life. I hit the front door and I am gasping for breath. The house is spinning. I have made up all of the time that I spent standing and watching and waiting. This run was not longer than I had scheduled; it actually may have been a personal best. I keep running once I am in the house, straight up the stairs two at a time, I’m short and I can usually never skip steps, but I ascend quickly and I fling open the bedroom door. 

    My love sits straight up in bed and gives me the what’s going on eyes. I say, “I Saw a Fucking Mountain Lion!” He flings the covers off and stands up so fast that I love him even more for his instantaneous response, “That’s not fair, I want to see a Mountain Lion!”

Sunday, June 06, 2021


The endless pleasures

in an aromatic 

cup of freshly steeped


Changing my mood

uplifting my soul

energizing my body.

Blissfully engaging 

my senses and

connecting me with 


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How He Died



“WHAT what what what what what what”, Lilly cry-whispered into the phone as she sank to the floor, her knees buckling in slow motion.

“Bert is dead sweetie, I’m so sorry, I wanted to tell you so that no one else did”. His mother sounded robotic.


She still was not sure what she was being told. Her mind was not grasping the words. “I’m so sorry June. Are you ok? What happened? I don’t understand. Where is Bert?” She looked up at Jared who was watching her, and he looked terrified.


“I was at the house today honey. I brought Bert some new pants that I had hemmed up for him, you know he wears his pants out so fast. Him and Kristen had a fight and her Dad was there. I didn’t know. I just brought him his pants. He was crying. He had been drinking again. He was sitting on the couch. Ron and I were standing in front of him; we were so close to him. He said he was going to kill himself and we were trying to calm him down. We thought he was just upset. We didn’t know he had a gun. We couldn’t see it. It was too little. He shot himself in the head before we could do anything. Kristen’s Dad almost got to him. I called 911. I wrapped his pants around his head and held him until they got there. It was too late sweetie. They tried but it was too late. Honey, what’s that sound? Sweetie are you ok?”


Lilly could hear it too and she did not know what it was. She stopped and listened. The sound was coming out of her. It was high pitched, it was not a scream and it was not a groan or a moan and she seemed unable to make herself stop making the sound. Jared put his hands on her shoulders and as she looked up at him; the sound stopped. She whispered, “I think that was me June, I’m so sorry. Where is he? Where are you?”


“I just got home sugar. I have to take a shower. I’m covered in blood.” June's voice caught, choked. She sounded like she might cry but she made a soft humming sound instead. “I really should go, I have to call grandma, honey. She loved Bert, and you, so much. I just had to tell you right away. I just know how fast you could find out and I had to be the one to tell you.”


“Thank you. I love you. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say or what to do. Where is he?”


“He’s at the hospital honey, I love you.”


“I love you too.”


Lilly set the phone on the floor and placed both of her hands next to her on the ground, kneeling between them. This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all my fault. That was all she could think. She had left him. She had divorced him. She had moved on. She had just moved in with Jared a few months ago and she had just gotten engaged only two weeks ago. She had changed her cell number because of Jared’s ex-wife and she had not called Bert yet to give him the new one. They had stayed friends, in the loose sense of the word, as in the best that two people who had married each other and then divorced one another could do. If she had been there he would never have had a gun. This would not have happened.


“Lilly, are you ok? What's going on?” Jared was sitting on the floor in front of her and holding her hands. 


She had not noticed that she was shaking; a very light vibration. “Bert is dead, he killed himself”.


“What, oh my god, are you ok? What can I do?” Jared had met Bert a few times. Her and Bert had even talked about a double date with his new girlfriend Kristen.


Kristen was actually an old girlfriend, renewed. Bert and her had had a volatile relationship and Bert had shared a few of the details. She was his equal; his match. She could drink as much as he could, and more. They did hard drugs together. Meth, cocaine, pretty much whatever they could get there hands on. And Kristen hit just as hard as Bert did, but more often. She had seen Bert’s bruises. But what could Lilly do? Even Bert’s brother, who was just as big of an addict as he was, had called Lilly and asked for help. It had gotten so much worse since the divorce. But what could she do? She couldn’t save him - change him - fix him while they were married; so how could she do it now that they were divorced and that they had both moved on.


“I need to see him. Please drive me to the hospital.”


“OK”. What more could they say to each other. This was new territory for both of them. A major life disaster and they had only been dating for a year. 


The ride to the hospital was long and silent. Lilly’s tears had stopped, her body had gone numb, even her mind had gone quiet, but the vibrating continued. They arrived at the hospital and walked in together holding hands. She walked up to the main desk and said that she needed to see someone who had just died. The receptionist asked the name and told them to take a seat. She felt awkward making the request but knew that this must be normal. It had to be. She could not be the only person to have ever had this feeling; she had to see him because she just could not believe it. There had to be a mistake. He is only 29 years old.


A very kind and sad looking woman came from around the corner and introduced herself. She wanted to know how Lilly knew Bert. “We were married. I’m his ex-wife.”


The woman looked down at the floor and said, “I didn’t realize he had been married. I am very sorry for your loss. It will take us a few minutes to prepare the body as he has already been moved to the morgue. I will come out and get you.”


Lilly and Jared sat back down. Still silence. Not really an awkward silence, but borderline. Luckily it did not last long as the woman came back out quickly. “Please follow me”. She did not try to make small talk and Lilly was thankful for that. 


The three of them entered a cold room that was not lit very well. There was a metal gurney in the middle of the room and a bag on top of it with a body inside. The woman unzipped just the upper portion, above the collarbone, and pulled it down. Lilly moved past her and around so that she could see his face. It was bloated, pale, and their was a tube coming out of his mouth and covering his chin.  Most of his head was shaved and wrapped in a bloody bandage. This was not Bert. It did not even remotely look like him. Lilly looked up at the woman. And the woman understood; this was not her first time witnessing shock, grief, and denial. And, she knew the look of pure and utter helplessness from a sudden and devastating loss.


And the woman must have also seen Bert's body once already. And she would have known that as his ex-wife, there were parts of him that were vastly more recognizable than his face was at this moment. The woman unzipped the bag, slightly past the hair on the chest. Lilly saw the chest, the red curly chest hair, and there was a flicker of recognition. The woman pulled out Bert’s left arm. 


“He really does have a beautiful tattoo”, the woman said. And there it was. The full sleeve arm tattoo that Bert and Lilly had designed together and that she had sat for hours watching be inked onto his skin. The arm that had held her; and the arm that had looked so beautiful and punk rock when he took his shirt off and lit up a cigarette. She knew that arm like she knew her own arm. And without hesitating or asking for permission she reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Cold. Hard. Lifeless flesh. Meat. She had never known what a lifeless body felt like, but she felt it, a very distinct and unforgettable feeling. This was Bert’s body but Bert was gone. Dead.


She pulled back her hand fast and held it to her chest. “I have to go. Thank you.” And she left.


            Jared was quick behind her, “Are you ok”?


            “No, I have to get out of here.” Her voice cracked. Lilly walked fast for the exit with Jared following close behind her. She knew the tears were coming and she had to make it to the car first.


            As soon as they were safely ensconced in the vehicle she let loose. Her body heaved, she sobbed, she choked, and she blinded herself with her own tears and nearly drowned in them. And Jared sat there, watching and waiting. One hand lightly touching her, eyes turning red, but not a single tear falling. He just kept watching her. He had never suffered a loss of a loved one and had absolutely no idea what to do other than to be there. And he hoped that was enough.


            “I have to see June and John. They live close to here. Please drive me there.” Jared drove her to her ex in-law’s house. Following her directions. It was close by. And they arrived almost too quickly.


            “Should I wait here?” Jared asked. Lilly looked at him and knew that was a great question. What is appropriate? What is right? Who knows?


            “No, please come with me, I need you.” And they went to the door. Bert's father John answered, he was crying. Lilly hugged him, “I’m so sorry”. What else is there to say? Nothing.


            John opened the door to let her in, “John this is Jared”. They shook hands like gentlemen. It was awkward but John knew what happened between Lilly and Bert. And he blamed himself. He was a drunk. His sons were drunks. And everyone’s lives had been falling apart for a long time and now they had finally irreparably crashed.


            June came out from the bedroom, “oh honey”, and they held each other. This was not a quick obligatory hug; no, this was two women who had both lost someone that they loved very much and they were grieving together in one another’s arms. Crying, not sobbing and not loudly, but crying. Mourning. Grieving, and wishing that this were not happening and still feeling the disbelief. Bert was too young. Too young.  And less than three years ago they had still been married and these two women had been family; bonded by marriage and by friendship and by love. Three years ago June had prayed for a grandchild while Lilly had prayed for the opposite. Lilly was not prepared to bring a child into there home; no matter how many times Bert said he would quit drinking if she did. And, now for a brief moment, she felt both relief and regret over the child that never was.


            They let go of each other. John led everyone to the couch. Small talk was not happening. The awkward heat of the moment and the stifled tears were filling the room. Everyone stared at one other and after only a few more painful seconds the doorbell rang. 


            “How is everyone finding out so fast?” John asked. 


            Lilly and Jared got up. “I’m really sorry. We should go. I just had to see you two.”


            “Yes, go home and get some rest.” June took Lilly’s hands.


            “Please let me know when you make arrangements and if there is anything that I can do to help, just let me know. I want to help if I can.”


            “Oh, yes honey, I would. But Kristen said that her and her mother were going to make the arrangements. I will let you know.” There was more awkward silence before the doorbell rang again.


            “I love you.”


            “We love you too sweetheart. You take care of our Lilly, Ok?” June had finally acknowledged Jared.


            “I will Ma'am”. 


            They left; passing another young couple. This couple was covered in tattoos and piercings. They must be friends’ of Bert and Kristen.



            It has been one week. It is still too hard. It is too hard not to be sad all of the time and too hard to be so sad all of the time. Jared has young daughters. He has family, his mom and step-dad that live at the end of their dirt road. Jared's sister and her family, husband - daughter – son, also live on the same road. They own all of these acres in the beautiful high desert of Central Oregon. His mother holding them all close to her in this beautiful landscape that has been Lilly’s home since she was three years old. Lilly had never appreciated the beauty of it until she met Jared. She had always taken it for granted. Before knowing Jared she could not even have named the 10,000-foot peaks that dominated her backyard. Now she knows them all. And has summited a few herself, the non-technical one’s of course. Technical or not though, it was hard goddamned work! And she was proud.


            These are her thoughts as she tries for the tenth time to put a business-like respectable ponytail in her hair. And, once again, it looks like a bird has placed a nest on the top on her head.  She has never had so much difficulty fixing her own hair; but then again she has never gotten ready for the funeral of someone whom she had vowed to spend the rest of her life with, till death do us part. And now it was happening and she was alone. 


Her fiancée had planned a ski weekend in the mountains with all of his family and his two daughters months ago and for some reason it never occurred to Lilly to simply ask him to cancel. Or to at least cancel enough of the weekend to spend these few hours with her. She did not want to be a burden but part of her had hoped that he would just do it and know to do it without being asked. She did not want to appear as broken-hearted as she was to his family. So she ended up saying that she would go to the funeral by herself while he went to the ski lesson with his daughters, they were five and eight years old and were still adjusting to only seeing Daddy every other weekend and on Tuesdays. Everybody was suffering.


            She gave up on her hair. Put the knee length black dress on over the black bra, black panties, and black nylons she had on. She walked out and grabbed the black hoodie jacket that Bert had sewn red and black patches onto the pockets of.  She had liked the patches and had no sewing skills. He was pretty good at patching a pair of work pants so he surprised her with it on their second Christmas together. Sometimes he could be really sweet. Actually, sweet was the adjective that was usually used to describe Bert. Sweet when he was not drinking anyway.


            She texted her friend, a hairdresser, who had been a friend of Bert’s long before she even knew him. Nancy was making chili for the memorial potluck after the funeral. Bert had a big family. He also had a lot of friends. On top of that Bert's family, but not him, were Jehovah’s Witnesses so the whole church was coming. They ended up renting out a roller rink; which was the same roller rink that Kristen and a team of her friends played roller derby at, Kristen was hardcore. Lilly was probably lucky that Kristen had never tried to kick her ass.


            After getting the “of course, come over” text from her friend, Lilly left and went to Nancy’s house. Nancy would easily be able to get her hair up and manageable so that she did not look like a total idiot at the funeral. Nancy could also distract her with her boisterous personality and kitchen full of treats. But Lilly was afraid of herself. She was afraid of her feelings. She was afraid of her tears and sadness. She was having a hard time holding it together and Nancy could see that and played her part well.


            Lilly drove herself to the funeral to find that her family was already there. She ran to her brother and flung herself into his arms and started crying, which startled him. He was younger than her and she had always tried to protect his feelings so she had never let him see her in distress. She was the tough big sister. But, at this point in there lives, he was a man - a good man, and she needed him. She trusted him. And for her, trusting someone was even harder to do than loving someone. He put his arm around her and she hid inside. Until Max, Bert’s brother, walked up. He was holding his two-month-old daughter in his arms and Lilly had not met her yet. She looked deeply at Max’s face, so much like Bert’s, and she began sobbing again. They hugged and cried together. She realized she had no control over her tears and would just continue to fall apart.


            The pastor started talking and she knew she could not listen to it; so she asked Max if she could hold the baby while he went and sat down. Lilly could stand in the back that way and look like she was babysitting. She felt more like the baby was taking care of her though, she would be strong with an infant in her arms, Lilly did definitely know that much about herself. She walked back to stand next to her family with the baby that looked so much like the baby she had imagined having with Bert. The sweet baby nestled into her and she stopped listening to the sermon and she stopped listening to the crying and she just felt that tiny heart beat next to her own and for a brief moment found peace.


            It was a short-lived peace however. Music started, Johnny Cash, one of Bert’s favorites, so punk! Max walked back red-eyed. They hugged, said nothing, and he took the sweet angel from her arms. She saw Kristen and knew that this was something that she had to do.


            “I’m so sorry Kristen. I hope that you are ok. Can I do anything to help you?” Lilly reached out and touched Kristen’s elbow.


            Kristen slowly looked down at Lilly’s hand and for a split second Lilly wondered if she was going to get knocked out. Then she really looked at Kristen. Kristen was hammered. It probably wasn’t alcohol, most likely someone had given her a valium or three. And who could begrudge her for that. Kristen slurred her words, “Thank you Lilly. No, I’m not ok. I can’t believe this is happening; can you believe this is happening? We need to get together sometime, there are things that I need to tell you.” And she stumbled off.


            Lilly watched her stagger away until Kristen was with a group of other people and Lilly knew that she would not fall down. She also knew that there was nothing that Kristen could possibly tell her that she wanted to hear. Lilly knew that this would be the last time they would ever speak. That gave her relief. She looked around at all the tattooed people with funky colored hair and nose rings. This had never been her scene. This was Bert’s scene. He had pretended not to be so hard-core before they were married, and Lilly had pretended to be more hard-core. But they simply were never a match.


            People were eating. She checked in with June and John and with Bert’s grandparents. They were dear to her also. But no matter how much she felt like she should be here, she also knew she should not. This funeral was for Kristen, she was the "widow" and as long as Lilly was there she would draw attention from her. So Lilly walked her family out and was about to get in her own car when Max came running over and said, “let’s go next door and have a drink”. He took her arm; it really was not a question.


            Once in the dark bar she looked around. All of Bert’s best buddies from construction and from parties were around three tables that were pushed together. Even the asshole that used to buy Bert fifths of whiskey, that Lilly always had to pour down the drain the next morning, was there. A bunch of drunks and enablers; people that thought it was the coolest thing to drink Pabst and Maker’s Mark and to get hammered every goddamned night. Every single one of these men knew that they were a drunk and every single one of these men did not want to do it alone; so they dragged each other down.


            Bert yelled “make room” and they all looked up and saw Lilly and smiled with their sad faces to greet her. They had missed her they said, almost in unison. “Pour her a drink – get a double ready for everyone”, Max shouted. It seemed like they were prepared for this moment because in an instant she had a double of whiskey in her hand and they were all looking at her.


“To BERT!”, Max shouted.


“To BERT!”, they all shouted back.


And to the lips the drinks went, even Lilly’s. But the second the sweet fiery taste of whiskey hit her lips and her tongue started to tingle she knew it was wrong. The alcohol had killed him. The alcohol had consumed him. Doctors could not help him. His family could not help him. AA did not do shit! She could not even make a dent in it. Bert had started drinking at the age of 12 after being molested by a much older cousin. If Bert did not drink every day then Bert shook. And, if Bert had not been drinking that day he killed himself, he would not have killed himself. Lilly knew that with a fierce certainty that could not be undone.


She slammed the drink back down on the table. She looked around at all of the drunken man-children around her, red eyed from tears and booze, and she felt anger and pity. She reached out for Max’s arm, “I love you Max”. 


His eyes were big and swollen and it hurt her just to look at him. He looked confused and shocked by her behavior. “I love you too sis.” She knew she would not see him again; and she was certain that he had no idea that this was good-bye.


She left. She did not look back. Not in that moment or in any moment after that. She knew with a deep painful conviction that if she had not left Bert that he would not be dead. She felt that guilt. The guilt she knew would live inside of her forever. She had broken a vow and left before death parted them and that could not be undone. She had kept him alive and would have continued to do so. He would have lived. But what Lilly was not so sure about was if she would have lived. And, she promised herself, She Would Live. She would live the best life possible. She would live the life that only a sacrifice as large as the one she had made would be worthy of.


Monday, May 24, 2021


 Common Phrases People Who Gaslight Use:

1. I have no idea what you are talking about.

2. You are just overreacting, stop being so sensitive.

3. You are imagining things, that's not what happened at all.

4. You are not making any sense, you know that you sound crazy.

5. Stop exaggerating the situation.

6. If anything, I'm the one should be mad at you. You are the one who hurt me.

7. Don't listen to anything "they" tell you, you can't trust anyone but me.

8. You are crazy, you always make things up for attention.

Dr Shefali Tsabary... What she had wished she had been told as a girl:

"You are a girl who will grow into a woman, from now on into old age you will be forever be preyed upon. Not all men see women as prey but many do. Your awareness of this fact will be to your advantage. It will empower you, there is nothing to feel bad about. It is just the way of nature and by being aware of this you won't be caught off guard. You will be on guard and ever present. You will protect yourself wisely, knowing when these unwanted advances come you can call upon your sisters for support. You must reach out for help and you are to speak up and speak out against any abuse. There is no shame in being a victim of a predator, it is not your fault if this happens. It doesn't make you victimized for life."

“A girl child ain't safe in a world full of mens." Sophia in A Color Purple

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Gender Studies

“If you aren’t allowed to feel what you feel and know what you know then your mind gets stuck in that situation.” 
~Bessel van der Kolk~

Siblings - A Poem

My brother was bought a dirtbike...and told to get outside.

I was bought barbie dolls...and told to play in my room.

My brother joined the Boy Scouts...and learned how to backpack.

I joined the Girl Scouts...and learned how to sell cookies.

My brother ran track and was told...“get good grades and you’ll get a scholarship”

I ran track and was told...“don’t be so competitive or you won’t get a boyfriend”

My brother started dating and my parents bought him condoms and said:

“be careful don’t get tied down” 

I started dating and my parents said:

“keep your legs together, who’ll buy the cow when they get the milk for free”

My brother went to college and was told...

“get a degree and start a career, marriage can wait” 

I went to college and was told...

“it’s a great place to meet A Husband”

My brother went out into the world and excelled! 

I went out into the world and fell flat on my face! 

Why, they ask, you were given the same opportunities?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


“As Viveka discovered on his archetypal quest, the goal of the reality project is not to disengage from the phenomenal world, but to turn to embrace it more and more deeply and  to discover it’s hidden depths. And in order to do that, paradoxically, we do not reject the vicissitudes of the embodied life. We do not reject suffering. Rather, we turn and go through the doorway to suffering. We turn to embrace our neuroses, our conflicts, our difficult bodies and minds, and we let them be the bridge to a fuller life. Our task is not to free ourselves from the world, but to fully embrace the world and to embrace the real.” ~Stephen Cope~

When I sing to the Lord and chant his name the barriers come down and only 

WE remain. 

Opening the throat chakra, using my real voice I intone my prayer to the Universe. 

Shiva, Destroyer of Illusions, please destroy the illusion that I am separate from you. 

Destroy my limited vision and show me the Cosmic.

You and I are one, there is no separation! 

I exist with you, for you, because of you and in you. 

Without you I am nothing. 

All that I am and all that I do is for you. 

Guide me! 

Hold me! 

Destroy me! 

My Beloved, I surrender.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fire and Ice

I AM  

the cosmic connection and the universal mind, 


that we are all connected and there are no dividers, 


myself and my intuition - I also trust you, 


and feel compassion for all beings including myself, 


who I am and who you are, we are both perfect and free, 

I FORGIVE myself and everyone else, and everyone forgives me, 


to the Earth Mother and Father Time. I surrender to what it is, to what was, and to what will be. 

“Otter equals surrender. Let go of control. Efforts to maintain control are based in habitual, conditioned fear born out of the many experiences where you witnessed others who were out of control. It was scary, dangerous and maybe even life threatening. You can be assured that you are safe from danger. You can now safely relinquish control. Letting go of control doesn’t mean giving up. Giving up means admitting defeat. Instead true surrender means releasing any attempts to force your agenda on life. It means opening your heart and hands and accepting  the direction of spirit. In that acceptance you will become the will of spirit. And life flows easily through you as you are.”