“Change your life by consciously choosing to be in a state of gratitude. The journey of your life will change when you emphasize gratitude for all that you are, all that you accomplish, and all that you receive. Practice silently repeating I THANK YOU throughout your waking hours, and as you fall asleep and awaken. It really does not matter whether you are thanking God, Spirit, Allah, the Tao, Krishna, Buddha, the Source, or Self, because all of those names represent the great wisdom traditions. Give thanks for the sunshine, the rain, and your body, including all of its components. Have a brain, heart, liver, and even a toenail appreciation day! Your practice of gratitude helps you focus on the real source of everything as well as notice when you are letting your ego dominate. Make this a silent daily practice: give thanks for the bed, the sheets, the pillows, and the room you sleep in at night; and in the morning, say I THANK YOU for what lies ahead. Then begin the beautiful day by doing something kind for another human being someplace on the planet.” ~Dyer~
“AHO Brother Turkey!
So freely you give,
Of everything that you are.
So that others may truly
Today, tonight, every moment, of every day. I think of you My Beloved Lord Shiva. How you guide me with your gentle hand; leading me through this land. I was not taught how to devote my life to you. I was not raised to know your ways. But through your gentle guidance I have grown in your love and in your light. You are my source. You move me. As I close my eyes to speak to you my mind floats through your cosmic energy. I am transported across the globe to the other side of this magnificent planet to the spot where you are seated deep within the Himalayan Mountains, perched in the Ganges River. I see you. I see myself in your mind flying through the night sky. I see you in every creature I encounter and I weep at your beauty and strength. My connection with you is whole. You are my home.
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