Thursday, March 26, 2020


"it’s also worth reminding each other that “social distancing” – usually a problem and now the solution - only pertains to physical isolation.  we can still love each other.  we must.  we can still communicate over the airwaves.  we can still mean well by each other.  however you do it, keep ‘touch’ alive.  losing touch can result in losing empathy, and that would be one sure way to make a bad situation worse. instead, let the longing build; it will help stave off loneliness and nihilism, and it will keep us feeling.  those of us who have experienced compassion, whether coming from us or towards us, know that it’s always there.  it just needs to be called-up and exercised.  it needs an excuse to show itself, and suffering provides that excuse. one day, we’ll be able to directly share all that affection again, and you can bet it will be with heightened appreciation and passion."

~BJ Miller~

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