Friday, August 04, 2023


“When we stand still in the wilderness and take our bearings we are able to apprehend the truth - about ourselves and the world around us.” ~Rolf Gates~

When Mr Science falls in love with Ms Poetry
Yin and Yang
Heart and Mind
Eternal Soul Flame Ignites 

Rewiring Neural Networks 
Autonomic Nervous System, finally 
Shifting gears from 
lifetimes spent 
In the sympathetic 
fully finding 
the parasympathetic 
sleeping - resting - digesting
Flushing out and renewing 
the enteric system 

Plant Medicine 
Ancient wisdom 
Childhood Traumas
Ancestral Demons

Vagus Nerve Activation 
Blood Brain Barrier 
Cutting edge science 
Catching up with
Indigenous Shamans

The Earth is home, lover, doctor and pharmacist 
The Earth provides Medicine and Meditation 

if the earth heals me — will my healing
heal you?

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