Sunday, March 12, 2023

Throat Chakra


"I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." ~Kurt Cobain~

“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be." ~Alan Watt ~

"Be Impeccable With Your Word. Do Not Take Anything Personally. Do Not Make Assumptions. Always Do Your Best." ~don Miguel Ruiz~

"Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: 

Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Necessary?"

The Sound Chakra is located in your throat and is also known as the Throat Chakra. This chakra deals with truth and communication. This chakra’s color is blue and the corresponding stones are turquoise, sapphire, and topaz. 

The sound chakra is blocked by lies; not only the lies that we tell other people but most importantly the lies that we tell to ourself. Accepting others and our own self for who we truly are clears the throat chakra. The definition of acceptance is: to believe or come to recognize as valid and correct. Self-acceptance involves self-understanding, and a realistic awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses.

When the sound chakra is blocked you may feel misunderstood by others or even disrespected. Before speaking to others, either in a group or one-on-one, you may get red, hot, tingly or anxious. You may also feel like you can not articulate what you are thinking and have arguments with others that are more to do with miscommunication than an actual disagreement. Your communication style may tend towards passive-aggressive and could be seen more as manipulative because you have a harder time asking for what you want and need.

The physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra are ear infections, allergies, hearing problems, lost voice, mouth ulcers, sore throat and dental issues. You may also be experiencing issues with your thyroid. Any issues with your ears, nose or throat are associated with a blocked throat chakra; as is a stiff or sore neck.

In this chakra we will be focusing on self-acceptance. The major focus of this section will be doing affirmation work. There will be some journaling and journal questions but mainly what I want you to focus on is finding self-acceptance meditations, cards, audio and video recording, as well as any other affirmation exercises that work good for you.  

We all have negative tapes that play in our head; criticisms, critiques, put downs and harsh judgments about our actions and ourselves. And we tend to judge ourselves even more harshly than we judge others. Affirmation work is about changing these tapes that play in our head. It is about finding positive thoughts to replace our negative thoughts. However old you are that is how many years it has taken you to get to the point that you are with your negative thoughts. Please, do not expect affirmation work to have instantaneous results. It is going to take time and lot of practice to stop your negative self-talk.  

This is why the affirmation works needs to be done every day and as much as possible. You might start by falling asleep by listening to affirmation meditations. The subliminal effects of listening while asleep are very helpful.  

You will also need to keep a gentle vigilance on your thoughts throughout the day. And try to stop the negative words that are being said in your mind as soon as you realize that you are putting yourself down.  The easiest way to do this is by picking a word or phrase that brings you back into the moment. Please pick a word that is gentle and then use this word every time you start down a negative road in your mind. Use this word like a stop sign.  

When the sound chakra is open you may feel more talkative and excited about having conversations with others. You may spontaneously break into song and dance. Your conversations with others will become clear and less strained. You may start to slow down and become more deliberate in your speech. If you tell a lie it will cause your throat to almost ache. Your allergies and sinus issues will lessen and/or clear up completely. The dry feeling in your throat will go away.  You will feel less nervous before speaking in groups and before having big conversations with others. You will also find you are less willing to argue, having accepted your truth and not feeling the need to push that on someone else.  

Affirmation Work: The affirmation work that you begin in this chakra will continue through the seventh chakra and hopefully it will be something that you will make a part of your life for the long term. Please find an affirmation meditation that lasts at least 10 minutes. You can Google different affirmations, make your own, or use YouTube and listen to the affirmations in earphones. Please feel free to look around for the right affirmations for you. These affirmations are a vital part of this chakra clearing. Please do them every day. 

Being honest and authentic with our self is the key to this work.  

Journal work: Questions

  • What lies do I tell others?
  • What lies do I tell myself?
  • What lies do I tell myself about other people?
  • In what ways am I not living honestly?
  • Why and When do I lie?
  • Do I always know when I am lying?
  • Do I think that other people believe my lies?
  • What holds me back from being honest?  What/Who am I afraid of?
  • How does the way I'm currently living my life not reflect my truth?
  • List five creative projects that you can start now.

Yoga:  Fish pose

Meditation:  Chant in Sanskrit is HAM. Chant in English is I KNOW.

Body Work:  

The Throat Chakra is connected to your thyroid. The thyroid is a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones that regulate growth and development through the rate of metabolism. When the thyroid is overactive it can cause the following symptoms: excess sweating, excess hunger, fatigue, heat intolerance, restlessness, mood swings, nervousness, insomnia, puffy eyes, hair loss, muscle weakness, and possibly weight loss. When the thyroid is underactive you may feel: fatigue, lethargy, cold, have brittle nails, constipation, dry skin, high cholesterol, weight gain, and your thyroid may be enlarged to the point that you can see it. If you think that either of these may be affecting you, then you can have your doctor do a very simple blood test to check. 

Foods that support the thyroid gland are: cruciferous vegetables, Brazil nuts, and sea vegetables. Foods to avoid while trying to improve your thyroid’s health are gluten and soy. Herbs that support the thyroid gland are: Maca, Ashwandganda, Iodine, Ginger, Echinacea, and Licorice. Depending on what your thyroid concerns are most natural food stores sell supplement blends to help support your thyroid.  

Life Projects:

I want you to spend most of your time working with affirmations, either listening to affirmation meditations that you can find on CD, DVD, I-Tunes, or YouTube. Listen every day. The more you do your affirmation work the quicker you will see results and real positive change begins to happen.  he following projects will help you better know yourself and accept who you are, just as you are.

  • Find a beautiful and inspiring blue image and make it the screen saver on one, or all, of your technological devices.  The mores devices you do this for, the better.
  • Add your stone from your fourth chakra to the jar or container with the other stones.  Find a piece of turquoise, sapphire, topaz or any blue stone.  It can either be jewelry that you can wear or it can be a simple stone for your pocket.  If you can find a blue necklace it might be inspirational and also serve as good reminder to be honest and to stop your negative self-talk.  Carry this with you while you are working on this chakra. (If you have difficulty locating this stone or any of the different stones associated with the chakras then take a walk in nature and find a small stone that calls to you, just be sure to get a different stone for each chakra)
  • Make yourself an affirmation card with the following words, “I LIVE MY TRUTH” Put this on your bathroom mirror.
  • De-clutter one room of your house.
  • Write yourself a letter and apologize for all of the things that you have made yourself do that you did not want to do. Read this aloud to yourself while looking in the mirror. Then burn the letter.
  • Find a time and a place and speak aloud in front of a group.
  • Sing!! In the shower. In the car. By yourself and with others. Sing. And keep singing. Make Music!
  • Find affirmation cards and pick a new card every morning.  Put it some place that you can see throughout the day. Louise Hay has great cards.
  • If you are on any social media then find and follow at least one account that posts daily affirmations.
  • Take a personal inventory of all of your strengths and weaknesses. Do not judge yourself. Just become aware. Write “STRENGTHS” on the top of the left side and write “WEAKNESSES” at the top of the right side. Draw a line down the middle. Keep writing. Keep adding.  Don’t stop until the page is full.
  •  Remove one unhealthy food from your diet and add one healthy food.
  • Go to the dentist for a check up and a cleaning.
  • Practice the art of flossing and learn about the ancient practice of oil pulling.

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