Eight Limbs of Yoga
1. Yama = Social Restraints- Ahisma = Do No Harm
- Satya = Tell The Truth
- Asteya = Do Not Steal
- Brahmacharya = Use Sexual Energy Wisely
- Aparigraha = Have No Possessions
2. Niyama = Self-Restraints
- Saucha = Purity of Mind, Body, and Speech
- Santosha = Be Content
- Tapas = Be Self-Disciplined
- Svadhyana = Study Self
- Ishvarapranidhana = Study God
3. Asana = Practice of Body Postures
4. Pranayama = Practice of Breath Control
5. Pratyahara = Withdrawal from sensory experiences - release addictions and distractions
6. Dharana = Concentrate on Inner States: Mantra, Breath, Bandha, Mudra
7. Dhyana = Meditation
8. Samadhi = Enlightenment
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