Sunday, February 01, 2009

Loving Eachother

How do we create a multi-cultural society that has social cohesion and pluralistic respect? For me the answer lies right here in the very room where I sit typing. In front of me I have my grandmother’s beautiful crucifix hanging on the wall. Directly next to it are some hand carved wooden Tibetan Buddhist prayer beads. To my right I see a plaque with a picture of Jesus Christ on it and this picture is held up by a statue of Buddha. To my left is my bookshelf. In the middle row of my bookshelf the titles of these books flow together perfectly; they are the Holy Bible, The Origin of the Species, Tao Te Ching, The Essential Rumi, the Kabbalah, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Bhadavad-Gita, The Way of a Pilgrim, Living Wicca, The Hindu Religious Tradition, Llewellyn’s Magical Guide, The Secrets of the Rosary, and The Tao of Pooh. Behind me there is a mirror. When I turn my head and look in this mirror I can see my back. In the center of my shoulder blades there is a divine tattoo of a Hindu Goddess. This tattoo is on my back and I am not a Hindu. I am not any of the religions that are displayed around me. But I love, respect, and honor all of them as if they were my own.


Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

I love your blog and in particular this post.Just like you,I embrace all religions and I'm constantly learning about them.This outlook definitely expands one's horizon I should say.

Jeremy said...

That's great!